
The Big One...

I knew this would happen...I'd commit to making a few musical notes from time to time and I end up putting things off until I have such a backlog that I procrastinate even longer. A quick recap though...

Tony Trischka put on a killer show at AC&T which I sadly missed. Friends who were there were particularly impressed with Greg Liszt's innovative and complementary banjo work, and the incredible vocal stylings of Michael Daves. We'd caught him guesting with Chris Thile at The Living Room in NYC last year and knew we hadn't heard the last of him. Just wait! Our JAMinc non-profit was able to arrange an early same-day performance for Tony at St. Christopher's School senior assembly. He had them in the palm of his hand or at least in the middle of his resonator. Don't forget his Letterman appearance Thursday night with Bela Fleck and Steve Martin.

My loyal bluegrass partner and I headed straight to Ashland Saturday after a couple of glorious days near Afton, VA to catch the Infamously Amazing Stringdusters again. They continue to blow us away as they set the bar ever higher for their musicianship. They're so good and tight one can't imagine much room for improvement. But past is prologue and they'll find a way. Ben Eldridge and John Starling were among the supportive fans in the crowd. Don't miss these guys live...check their schedule at www.thestringdusters.com.

The nation's biggest and best (IMHO) festival gets underway tomorrow in Wilkesboro, NC...the mighty MerleFest...thirteen stages of musical pleasure over four days in the foothills. www.merlefest.org I've been Cabin Stage manager for the last fifteen years and it's a grand experience for artists and audience alike. There have been some rumblings of change afoot this year...I'll do my best to keep you posted as to whether bigger is indeed better. Until then...


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